WOD Review then warm up all together: 60-sec row, 10 leg swings, 20 sec Spiderman and Pigeon, 5 push-up, cobra into down dog
In 18 minutes complete:
5×5^ Back rack reverse lunges (per leg)
3 x 10-15 GHD sit-up OR Plate weighted sit-ups
5 Fast and Hard Rounds with 2 min rest in between each round (rolling clock) (24 min CAP)
10 Burpees over BB (lateral) (50+ 8)
10 Shoulder to overhead (115/75) (50+ 80/50)
10 Burpees over BB (lateral) (50+ 8)
*These should be hard and fast sets. To ensure you experience the intended stimulus and avoid being time capped, be sure to choose a weight you can complete the S2OH unbroken for the majority of the rounds if not all of them, and substitute stationary burpees in place of over BB if needed. If the round is taking you close to 3 minutes, scale the workout more.