Gymnastics Focus
WOD Review then warm up all together: 60-sec row, 10 leg swings/leg, 20 sec per leg: Spiderman & Pigeon, 5 push-ups to down dog, 20 sec/leg couch str
20min to complete:
5 x 5/leg Pitcher squats (Pitcher or Bulgarian Split squats:
5 x 1-2 Rope climbs (Mod: 2-3 rope pulls or 1-2 feet elevated pulls)
15min AMRAP
400m Row
16 Alt DB snatches (total) (50/35) (50+ 35/25)
4 Pole seal walk (Turf: Fwd 1 pole > Bkw 1 pole – 2x) (Mod: out and back 1x)