Hi Spiders as a reminder to all: Halloween events will include multiple road closures and heavy traffic impacts for the entire day and night. Downtown streets will close to all traffic no later than 4:00 PM and likely earlier. Road closures include: Essex Street at Crombie Street and Barton Square to Union Street, Washington Street from New Derby Street to Bridge Street, Federal Street from St. Peter’s Street to North Street, Washington Square North and West from Essex Street to Brown Street, Hawthorne Boulevard, Derby Street, Route 1A, Congress Street near Pickering Wharf, Charter Street, Central Street, Front Street, and Lafayette Street from New Derby Street to Front Street. Bridge Street at Sgt. James Ayube Memorial Drive will also close to all traffic between the westerly overpass ramps and Sgt. James Ayube Memorial Drive from 9:30 PM to 11:30 PM for the closing fireworks.
WOD Review then warm up all together: 60-sec row, 10 leg swings/leg, 5 TVWQB, 5 BB Romanian deads, BB front rack str, 5 BB clean high pulls, 5 BB hang cleans, 5 BB power cleans
15 minutes to complete:
5^ sets of 3 cleans (power or squat) (all reps as singles)
*If you complete the 5 x 3 before 15 min is up complete sets of 3 heavy clean pulls/extensions (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF-hqxyLly4)
Your focus should be on your set-up and technique each rep. Keep the weight manageable with no failed attempts.
Partner WOD
6 rounds through for time of:
10 Goblet squats (53/35) (50+ 35/25)
10 OHS (95/65) (MOD FS & 50+ FS or OHS 65/45)
10 Hang cleans (95/65) (50+ 65/45)
10 RKBS (70/53) (50+ 53/35)
10 Burpees
*1 Athlete works at a time with you go I go style: Alternating exercises