Salem CFIS/B&S Members – due to the power outage we will have to cancel the Salem location 5:00 AM and 630 AM CrossFit classes and the Salem 6:00 AM Boot Camp.
MHD CF at 6:00 AM
Our Salem 9am Boot Camp and 830am CF class will be outdoors if needed (but prob not able to do 20.2). Keep in mind there will be NO lights in the bathrooms so bring a headlamp, flashlight or use your phone but don’t drop it in the toilet! Lol
We will keep you posted if anything changes. Sorry for the inconvenience but we are so happy to have the great outdoors and the MHD location as an option for you all to get your workouts in.
Crossfit Open 20.2 Workout
WOD Review and Warm-up: 60 sec row, 10 leg swings/leg, 5 push-up to down dog, 10 hanging shrugs, wall calf str, 10 pausing air squats, 5 DB front squats, 5 DB thrusters
WOD prep:
6 minutes to prep and complete:
3 rounds of:
2 DB Thrusters (WOD weight)
3 T2B
12 Jump rope
20 min AMRAP
4 DB Thrusters (50’s/35’s) (SC & 55+ RX 35/20) (55+ Sc: 20/15)
6 T2B (Sc: knee raises) (55+ Sc: Abmat sit-ups)
24 Dubs (All Sc: 24 singles)
Keys to success:
Pacing – we are use to 20 min workouts, but for those who struggle with going out too strong/pacing, keep yourself in check and find someone who can pace well and stay with them, at least for the first 5 min.
Transitions: Easy to lose a lot of time wandering around. Keep your workout area small and avoid walking around too much.
Breaking up reps: The DB thrusters should be unbroken, T2B go unbroken if you can or ideally no less than 2 sets (especially if you are good with dubs). If you struggle with your lungs on dubs, you can do smaller sets on the T2B to give your lungs a bit of a break before you get to dubs. Dubs if possible go unbroken staying as relaxed as you can – shoulder, grip, arms. For those doing singles, the T2B will most likely be the hardest part of the workout and the singles for many will be the rest.
Good luck and have a blast.
Post WOD: Stretch and Celebrate