WOD Review then warm up all together: 200m jog, 10 leg swings/leg, 20 sec Spiderman and pigeon str, 5 push-ups to down dog, front rack str, 5 front squats, 5 BB jerks
In 20 minutes complete at least
5^ sets of 3 Front Squats into 1 Jerk
2-3x of 30 sec/arm Banded barbell front rack stretch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_llg8YcgFk)
15 min AMRAP:
10 Goblet Squats (53/35) (50+ 35/25)
10 Ring Dips (Mod: No Bands today: Box dips or push-ups)
10 Hang cleans (115/75) (50+ 80/55)
10 V-ups