(Gymnastics Focus)
WOD Review:
Warm up all together: 60 sec row, 15 sec leg swings/leg, 20 sec box step-ups, 20 sec HS hold, then 2x: 10 BB deadlifts, 5 box jumps, 2 HSPU, 1 rope pull
Odd min: 1-2 Rope climbs or 1-2 Rope pulls
Even min: Accumulate 20 sec of L-Sit hold (45# under each hand) (Mod: hanging L-hold)
*Alt skills based on class numbers and ropes.
5 Rounds for time:
15 Deadlifts (185/135) (50+ 145/110) (Fitness: KB Sumo dead)
15 Box jumps (24/20) (50+20/16)
15 Handstand push-ups (50+ 10 HSPU: 1 10# plate & pad)