WOD Review:
Warm up all together: 60 sec row, 30 sec PVC pass thru, 30 sec PVC good mrnings, 5x TWVQB, 10 BB sumo deads, 10 BB OHP, 10 standing tubing chest flies
In 30 minutes complete:
5 x 3^ Sumo deadlifts
5 x 3^ BB or DB OHP
5 x 6-8 DB Chest flies (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QENKPHhQVi4)
“Tabata These”: (8 rounds each of 20 on/10 off) (10 min total)
1st Tabata: Dubs (Mod high singles or Doube taps)
2nd Tabata: Hollow Rocks
*2 min rest between Tabatas.
Complete all 8 rounds of Dub Tabata first, and then complete the 8 rounds of Hollow Rocks.