WOD Review:
Warm up all together: 60 sec bike or row, 30 sec wall squats, 20 sec hollow rocks, 20 sec BB penally rows, then 2x: 5 WB, 5 RKBS, 5 V-ups, 5 light Pendlay rows
5 sets of 6 minutes to accomplish: (Rest remainder of time) (30 min total)
21 Wall Balls (20/14 @ 10’) (50+ 14/10 @ 9’)
21 America KBS (53/35) (50+ 35/25)
21 V Ups
21 Pendlay rows (115/75) (50+ 85/55)
If you don’t finish the work or finish the work with less than 1 minute of rest in the 6 minutes, decrease weight or reps of 1 or more skills.
If you finish the work with more than 2 minutes rest, consider increasing the weight or reps of 1 or more skills.