(Practice / Lactate Threshold 8-12 min)
WOD Review: 8 min
Then group warm up all together: 60 sec row, then 3 rounds of: 10 air squats, 5 fwd lunges per leg, 5 push to downward facing dog, then 10 BB front squats
3 x 10^ Front squats AND 3 x 15-20 Tubing tricep kickbacks
Toes to bar (Mod: Lower bar T2B or KTC)
Wall Balls (20/14) (10/10) (50+ 14/10 & 10/9)
(Website and coaches review only: For those doing knees to chest, be sure to focus on using/developing your kip and not simply hanging and raising your knees up to hips)
Post WOD: 2 Rounds not for time
2 Minute Plank with hands on Dumbbells (wt = athlete’s choice): Every 30 seconds complete a R arm row & L arm row & 2 Push-ups.
10 Alternating DB bicep curls (10/arm)