(Mental Toughness / Glycolytic 2-5 min bursts)
WOD Review: 8 min
Then group warm up all together: 200m jog, 10 straight legged sit-ups, 10 PVC good mornings, 10 PVC pass through, 10 hanging shrugs, 5 fwd lunges / leg
3 sets of each (12 min)
10-15 GHD Sit-ups
5 Tire Flips
15 Tubing Back Flies
WOD 1 and 3
4 Min AMRAP of:
5 DB Snatch/arm (50/35) (50+ 35/25)
10 Pull-ups
WOD 2 and 4
4 min AMRAP of:
5 DB Overhead alt stationary forward lunges/leg (50/35) (50+ 35/25)
10 Ab-mat sit-ups
Rest 3 min after each 4 min WOD
*Begin where you left off when you start WODs 3 and 4.
*Goal is to push as hard as you can without burning out for each of the 4 min WODs and do your best to match your 2nd attempt at each WOD.