(Practice / Glycolytic 2-5 min bursts)
WOD Review: 8 min
Then group warm up all together: 200m jog, 30 singles, 5 reverse lunges/leg, 20 sec bottom of ring dip stretch (shoulders to rings and feet on ground), 10 of TVWQ
Partner WOD 1 & 3: 6 min AMRAP
25 Double Unders (35 singles)
10 KB/DB Reverse Stepping Alt. Lunges (5/leg) (35/25)
Rest 2 min
Partner WOD 2 & 4: 6 min AMRAP
10 Cal Bike
5 Ring Dips (RX+ = 8 dips) (Mod: bands, box dips)
Rest 2 min
* Alternating rounds – one athlete does a whole round while other athlete rests)
Post WOD: Tabata tubing bicep curls (bands wrapped around rig or poles on turf)