(Competition/ Metabolic Conditioning)
WOD Review: 8 min
Then group warm up all together: 60 sec row, 30 sec banded squats (below knee cap), 30 sec PVC pass thru, 20 sec TVW, 30 sec power cleans, 20 sec BB jerks, 30 sec hanging shrugs
For Tme:
800m Run
15 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
3 Rope Climbs
600m Run
12 Clean & Jerks
2 Rope Climbs
400m Run
9 Clean & Jerks
1 Rope Climb
Post WOD
5-8 min Easy Bike or Row
Competition Strategy: The 800 and 600m runs will be the big time eaters, so, do your best to push a bit more on the run and take those few extra breaths before hitting the barbell. Fast singles on the clean and jerk for many will be faster than sets of 5 with longer breaks. Work with another athlete to share a rope if needed and use those 3-5 seconds to catch your breath before your next climb or heading out onto the run.