(Practice / Gymnastics Focus)
WOD Review: 8 min
Then group warm up all together: jog down and back, 15 air squats, jog down and back, 10 push-ups, skip down and back, 10 hollow rocks, side shuffle down and back, 20 sec forward walking lunges, 20 sec handstand hold, 30 sec wall squats
EMOM for 12 min (3 rounds through)
20 Hollow Rocks
5 Goblet Forward Lunges/leg (wt = athletes choice)
15 V-ups
15 Tubing Back Flies (medium challenge)
2 rounds with a partner: For max reps: (16 min total)
60 Seconds of Rope climb
Rest 1 minute
60 Seconds of Double Unders
Rest 1 minute
60 Seconds of HSPU
Rest 1 minute
60 Seconds of Wall Balls (24/14) (10/9)
Rest 1 minute
(One athlete works at a time, switch as needed)