(Practice / Gymnastics Focus)
WOD Review: 8 min
Then group warm up all together: 60 sec row, 20 sec T, V, W, 20 sec hold wall walk up to handstand, 20 sec hanging shrugs, 30 sec low RKBS
5 x 5^ Strict Pull-ups & Handstand practice (kick-ups, holds, walking…) (Pull-up MOD = “L” BB pull-ups (16 min)
AMRAP 12 (ascending ladder)
100m Run, 2 Russian KBS (53/35) (35/26) and 2 Box Jumps (24/20)
100m Run, 4 RKBS & 4 Box Jumps
100m Run, 6 RKBS & 6 Box Jumps
100m Run, 8 RKBS & 6 Box Jumps
*100m = 1 indoor rubber/turf loop