(Practice / Gymnastics Focus)
WOD Review: 8 min
Then group warm up all together: 30 sec jump rope, 30 sec PVC pass through, 20 sec / arm T,V,W, 10 BB bench press, 10 BB Romanian deadlifts, 20 sec handstand hold
3 x 10^ Bench Press AND 3 x 5^ Sumo Deadlifts (RPE 6-7.5)
For Time:
Buy in: 100 Double Underss / 150 Single Unders
Then: 10,9,8…1
Handstand Push-ups (Mod = hand release push-ups)
Box Jumps Overs
(Coaches &Athletes: Opens prep HSPU with leading with the heels, pulling toes back to shins and keep hips off the wall at the end of the skill)
Buy out: 100 Double Unders / 150 Single Unders