(Practice / Gymnastics Focus)
WOD Review: 8 min
Then group warm up all together: 2x: 2 indoor loops, 10 easy ring rows, 15 sec hs hold, 10 BB hang clean to front squat then 1x: 1 muscle-up or pull-up, 2 HSPU, 4 BB squat cleans
20 min AMRAP
Option A:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Strict HSPU (Mod w /pads or kipping)
8 BB hang squat cleans (135/95) (50+95/65)
OR (Both are RX & You can also alt sequences)
Option B:
2 C2B pull-ups (Mod: COB) (Fitness: Ring rows)
4 Push press (135/95) (50+95/65)
8 BB Hang squat cleans (135/95) (50+95/65) (Fitness: Goblet squats)
Post WOD
Couch and Figure-4 stretches (accumulation at least 1 min/side)