(Gymnastics Focus)
WOD Review:
Warm up all together: 60 sec bike, 10 PVC pass thru, 5 TVWQB, 10 hanging shrugs, 10 PVC good mornings, 10 BB deadlifts
SOD: (5-7 min)
Option 1: Strict pull-ups: 1 Attempt for max effort strict pull-ups (For those that can do at least 10 strict pull-ups)
Option 2: Kipping pull-ups: 1 Attempt for max effort kipping pull-ups (For those with less than 10 strict pull-ups)
Option 3: Ring Rows: 1 Attempt for max effort ring rows (For those with less than 5 kipping pull-ups)
5 Strict pull-ups (Mod: Kipping or ring rows)
10 Deadlifts (155/105) (50+ 105/75)
15/12 Calorie bike