(Practice / Metabolic Conditioning)
WOD Review: 8 min
Then group warm up all together: Grab an ERG, BB, WB, Plyo box and a spot on the rig before starting: 60 sec row, 30 sec butt ball squats, 30 sec BB front rack stretch, 30 sec hang clean, 30 sec WB thruster, 30 sec box step-ups
For Time
50 Cal Row
40 WB (20/14) (10/10)
30 Hang Cleans (75/55)
20 Box Jumps
10 V-ups
5 Muscle-ups (Mod: Banded M-ups, 5 Strict pull-ups, Kipping pull-ups)
10 V-ups
20 Box Jumps
30 Hang Cleans (75/55)
40 WB (20/14) (10/10)
50 Cal Bike