(Practice / Phosphogenic 1-10 sec bursts)
Warm-up: 5 min running clock to complete as much as possible of: 200m row, 15 wall squats, 10 tubing back flies, 10 push-ups, 10 reverse hanging shrugs, 15 sec standing skin the cat stretch
Every 2 minutes for 12 min
Odd: 10 Bench Press (@ 65-70%)
Even: 10 Strict Pull-ups (Mod: Reduce # of pull-ups, 3-4 Negatives OR Chin over bar hold)
12 min of Inverted Tabata (Work 10 / Rest 20) (6 rounds of each)
Odd: 1-3 Muscle-ups OR 2-4 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Even: 3 Touch and go Power Snatches (weight = athletes choice)