(Mental Toughness / Gymnastics Focus)
Warm-up: 5 min running clock to complete as much as possible of: 200m row, 15 wall squats, 10 tubing back flies, 10 push-ups, 15 sec Handstand hold…
3 x 5^ Strict HSPU AND 3 x 10 GHD Hip Extensions (15 min)
For Time:
21 Deadlifts (225/155) (minimum of 7 touch and go deads reps so pick a weight you can move successfully)
100 Double Unders
5 Rounds of: 5 Knees to Elbows, 10 Alternating Lateral Lunges (total) & 15 Hollow Rocks
15 Deadlifts (minimum of 5 touch and go deads)
100 Double Unders
3 Rounds of: 5 Knees to Elbows, 10 Alternating Lateral Lunges & 15 Hollow Rocks
9 Deadlifts (minimum of 3 touch and go deads)
100 Double Unders
1 Rounds of: 5 Knees to Elbows, 10 Alternating Lateral Lunges & 15 Hollow Rocks