Thursday (Competition / OlyNastics)
Warm-up: 5 min running clock to complete as much as possible of: 200m row, 15 wall squats, 10 tubing back flies, 10 PVC pass through, BB arm and lat mash,
3 position squat cleans (15 min to complete 1-3 cycles through the 3 sets focusing on positioning and technique)
These should all be completed as singles w/ a pause at the start position. Keep weight light (below 155/105)
Pause at least 5 sec between reps and 60+ sec between sets
Set 1: 1/1/1 from high hip
Set 2: 1/1/1 from hang
Set 3: 1/1/1 from floor
Team Elizabeth“ish”
15-12-9 x 2 of Squat cleans (135/95) & Ring dips
At 3.2.1. Go:
P1 does 15 squat cleans (135/95) and then P2 does 15 ring dips….
Once 15-12-9 are complete, switch exercises
P1 does 15 rig dips and then P2 does 15 squat cleans (135/95)…
*If there is an odd number, have two people on a team of three work at the same time, ideally evenly skilled