(Practice / Metabolic Conditioning)
*As a reminder, the facility will not be used today except for the 5am class due to the Under Armour photo shoot. All other classes will meet and be held outside today. Bathrooms/Locker rooms will be accessible through the back entrance to the facility. Water and canopy’s will be outside as well.
(Coaches note/not for website: KB’s will be outside/ left in loading dock and we will use the blue gymnastics mats outside for warm-up and to set KB on as we don’t want to drop KB onto the asphalt)
Warm-up: 5 min running clock to complete as much as possible of: 200m jog, 15 air squats, 10 push-ups, 10 RKBS
30 min AMRAP
400 Meter Run
5 KB Snatches/arm (53/35)
10 Burpees
20 Russian KBS (53/35)