(Practice / Phosphogenic 1-10 sec bursts)
Warm-up: Complete 1 round: (10 min)
50 jump rope
15-20 sec Standing skin the cat stretch
5 Forward traveling lunges per leg
15 Tubing back flies
15 Tubing chest flies
5 Yoga pushups
10 BB chest press
Bench Press 10-8-6-4-2^ (20 min)
*Before the 4 and 2 rep sets, add an extra 15-20% onto the bar and un-rack the bar, (with spotter) hold the bar in a locked out position for 15 seconds, then re-rack the bar, remove the added weight, rest 60-90 seconds, and then do the 4 / 2 reps.
Alternating EMOM 18 min (6 cycles through)
Min #1: 2 Pole forward cone seal walk (turf)
Min #2: 5 Speedy bounding broad jumps: land and jump with no pause/hesitation (rubber)
Min #3: 30 second KB double arm 90 degree hold.