(Practice / Gymnastics Focus) (Active Recovery Day)
Warm-up: Complete 2 rounds for warm-up: (not for time) (10-12 min)
Jog down and back
Side shuffle down and back
10 Wall squats
10 PVC Pass throughs
10 PVC behind the neck strict press
Ball Mash
BB Forearm, tricep and lat mash (20 sec/area)
2×3^ OHP, 2×2^ PP and 2×1^ Jerk (stay below 90% of 1RM) (20 min)
AMRAP 12 (Leap frog the sets)
Teams of 2:
2 Strict Pull-Ups
4 Box Jumps (24/20)
6 Overhead Squats (75/55)
Leap Frog = P1 does 2 Pull-ups > P2 does 4 BJ > P1 does 6 Squats > P2 does 2 pull-ups etc…
Have a Team of 3: Have 2 people work at the same time