(Competition / Gymnastics Focus)
Group 5 min warm-up (all together): Grad a WB and then as a group 90 sec on ERG, 30 sec squats to wall ball, 30 sec straight legged sit-ups w/WB, 30 sec push-ups, 20 sec handstand hold (kick-up or wall-walk-up), 30 sec tubing back flies
EMO 90 sec: 4 rounds of each:
5-10 Handstand Push-ups (RX = deficit)
1-3 Rope Climbs (Mod = 4-5 rope pulls)
3 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
30 WB (20/14) (10/10)
20 Close Grip Push-ups (both hands on one 45# plate)
(Only for website/ not the board) Today’s WOD goal should be to (1) hold a consistent ERG pace, (2) not to set the ball down more than 1 time and (3) get through the push-ups without letting your knees and quads touch the floor (unless you are resting).