(Practice / Phosphogenic 1-10 sec bursts)
Warm-up: Complete 2 rounds for warm-up: (not for time) (10-12 min)
300m row
10 Wall facing squats
10 Push-ups
10 Sec handstand (facing the wall)
6 Alternating sets of each on the 90 sec (18 min)
Set 1: Pendlay Row x 10 (wt= athletes choice)
Set 2: DB Bench Press x 10 (wt = athletes choice)
4 Rounds:
10 Ground to Overhead (fast) > 30 sec minimum rest
8 Unbroken Pull Ups (RX+ = C2B) > 30 sec minimum rest
6 HSPU > 30 sec minimum rest
1 Rope Climb (RX+ = Legless) > 30 sec rest
1 Rope Climb (RX+ = Legless) > 30 sec rest