(Mental Toughness / Glycolytic)
Warm-up (10 min)
3 sets of: (not for time) (15 min)
Front Squat x 6-8 reps 60%
Rest 60 seconds (try to hold to these rest phases)
KB Waiters Walk 100ft each arm (wt = athletes choice)
Rest 60 seconds (try to hold to these rest phases)
20 min AMRAP
10 Thrusters (95/65) > rest 30 seconds
10 Pull-ups > rest 30 seconds
10 Burpees > rest 30 seconds
*Add one rep to each exercise each round.
Ex. Round 2 = 11 reps of each, round 3 = 12 reps of each…
Score = Write the rep/round you got up to for each exercise (ex: 16,16, 8 (finished on 8 Burpees)